So, here’s the thing about having a teenager. Or, in my case, a teenager and a pre-teen. Jenny’s 15 now, and I’m starting to think that “keeping my cool” is going to be a lifelong challenge. Every day, I’m like, “I got this!” and then five minutes later, I’m regretting my life choices after a meltdown over something as simple as homework. Can we just get real for a sec? The teen years are no joke.

Jenny’s gone from being the sweet little girl who would tell me everything—like, the details of every dream she had that night—to someone who gives me the “I don’t know” shrug when I ask about her day. Lincoln and Molly, though, they’re just holding out for their turn. It’s coming. I know it. And let’s just say I’ve got my “I’m not going to lose my mind” toolkit ready. But… spoiler alert, it’s not going that well.
Here’s the deal: I’ve tried a few things to stay Zen. I really have. First, I’ve attempted to stay calm when Jenny gives me the look—the one that says she’s so done with me. Instead of launching into a lecture, I take a deep breath and remind myself that I was a teenager once, too. (Okay, maybe not as dramatic, but still!) This usually lasts about two minutes before my inner voice starts yelling, “Why did you just say that?!” But hey, progress, right?
Second, I’ve been really into mindfulness lately. A solid three minutes of it, anyway. The idea is that if I can calm my own nerves, maybe it will rub off on Jenny when she’s arguing with me over something. But, spoiler again: not so much. The only thing I’ve really “calmed” is my coffee intake. Baby steps.
Third, I’ve been trying to keep things cool (literally) by getting outside more. Fresh air. Sunshine. Sometimes the kids come with me, sometimes not. But taking a walk in the neighborhood with no yelling about chores or curfews? It’s magical. I’m convinced that the more I get outside, the less I feel like I’m about to explode over absolutely nothing.
Fourth? I’ve started practicing the “ignore the drama” method. Seriously, when Jenny storms off or Lincoln’s testing my patience with a ridiculous question, I’ve been learning to just—not—respond right away. I know. It sounds counterintuitive, but I promise it works. By the time I get a second to think, the moment has passed. (Mostly.)
Lastly, I’m really leaning into giving them space. No, it’s not easy. There are days I just want to talk to my teenager like we’re best friends, but it’s all about timing. I’ve learned the hard way that bombarding her with questions when she’s just walked in the door is not the winning strategy. Letting her come to me is the goal—though, again, it takes patience. (Patience I am working on… with varying success.)
So, yeah. Keeping my cool? A work in progress. But one thing I know for sure: If I don’t laugh through some of the ridiculousness, I’ll lose my mind. And then Jenny will probably get the satisfaction of saying, “See? Told you so.”